Definition of "offending" : to cause (a person or group) to feel hurt, angry, or upset by something said or done.
Now that we know what it means, what does it do? Ever since we invented "racism", religion, and more like that, we see different opinions about subjects. We fight, we argue, we feel "offended". So in a way it can be seen as an emotion. When it comes to emotions and opinions, we're in the grey. There's no black or white area on this. Everybody should be allowed to have their own opinion about things. However, this entire post might even be considered offensive for even bringing it up. I ask you not to judge right away, read it "from a distance" instead of feeling this is aimed at you. It's not. It's just one of my rants again and the chances are high that I don't even know you :)
I personally think "feeling offended" is something people say much too often. Simply stating facts can hit close to home. While they really just are facts. There should be no emotions when discussing such.
This shirt is black. "Oh hell NO, you're just being offensive now"... Really?
The biggest groups feeling hurt (and so, offended) all the time, are those involved with religion and racism. I won't start at religion, because in my opinion, all that really is, is a floating idea to a "better" place for scarred (poor/depressed/scared/lost) people who need something to live forward to. It's fine if you believe in something, but don't get mad at me that I don't. Yes I'm godless and totally fine with that, thank you.
What I do want to talk about is racism. I don't support it, but I don't believe in it either. In my eyes, every person is equal. We all have the same guts inside of us, and we're all human. We differ from animals, which is enough for me. I agree, some groups are not treated as equal. I'm not okay with that. But still, if everyone would be treated the same, and could let go of their differences, I'm sure the world would be alot more peaceful.
I find it hard to see the groups who are feeling the most offended, often use racism in their advantanges. That's just wrong. How can you want to be equal if you're only using racism to prove you're a victim. Sure like I said before, not everyone is treated as equals. But, be honest. Would you treat a chicken like a penguin? No. So stop trying to be different! Get out of that victim role and start behaving yourself as an equal.
"People will always walk over the weak. That's just how people are. Don't act weak, so you avoid being walked over."
Just an example, and yes I know some of you will not approve, but that's okay.
I often hear black Americans (yes I'm being specific here because Europeans do it a whole lot less) say things like they feel offended by something, and the argument they use is "but black people were slaves".
I often hear black Americans (yes I'm being specific here because Europeans do it a whole lot less) say things like they feel offended by something, and the argument they use is "but black people were slaves".
Well, did you know there were (and still are) more white slaves than black slaves? Sure, it sucks. But you live in the now, and you aren't a slave, so how does that even matter? You don't hear white people say this! They don't act like victims. They all know about slavery too, but it's not their fault either. That was something of the past. Leave it there and move on.
Look at fat people. (Most) are nice, and don't call skinny people names for no reason. Sure, maybe a joke here and there but that should be okay. After all it's just a joke -.- But then the other party, the skinny people, do call fat people names. I don't get that. Really, what did they even do to you? It's almost like they're jealous. You don't know what lies beneath (pun intended) "all that fat", just like they won't know what's up with you.
I've learned myself not to judge based on emotions, but facts. I can get mad at my red sweater all day, but that doesn't make it purple! Learn to let go. To step aside, breathe, and look at things in another perspective. Put your differences aside and look at what you got in common. It's probably more than you think.
"If we want a better world, we would have to start with ourselves."